With the new century a generational change occurs. After three editions co-directing with Pedro Medina, Luis Mariano González takes the helm and the festival faces the imminence of digital while setting its eyes on Europe. Coinciding with the signing of an ambitious agreement with the Community of Madrid, the official name becomes Alcalá de Henares Film Festival/Community of Madrid, so it is necessary to look for a brand that summarizes everything in one word. The sum of "Alcalá" + "cine" (cinema in Spanish) and the naturalness of the expression "ir al cine" (going to the cinema in Spanish) gives rise to the name that the festival will maintain ever since: ALCINE.
From the exhibition History of a Film Festival.
(Pedro Toro, 2021)
To learn more, consult the free access book "Historia(s) de un festival de Cine” (in Spanish).