Iván Zulueta: The Avant-garde facing a mirror
1989 | HEREDERO, Carlos F.

Iván Zulueta: The Avant-garde facing a mirror

IVAN ZULU ETA {San Sebastian, 1943) is an extraordinary figure in the landscape of the Spanish cinema of the last 25 years. His experiences with cinematographic images maintain a profound existential relation to his own life and his creative practices enter realms outside of the common naturalistic path. Capable of x-raying the ambience that surrounds him with new eyes and equipped with an inexhaustible visual imagination, Zulueta is an independent cineaste, more interested in discovering new expressive possibilities on celluloid than in working under the cover of industrial possibilities. A permanent avant-gardist "malgré lui", he is an ambitious and radical creator, an experimenter and hard to classify. Living and filming from the perspective of apartments, he exhausts himself for every inch of film that he imprints and wastes his imagination for every shot that bears his mark.