Gonzalo Suárez. A fight won with fiction
1991 | HERNÁNDEZ RUIZ, Javier

Gonzalo Suárez. A fight won with fiction

"The expedition following the footprints of the dinosaur reveals proportionally more information about the oeuvre than about the director which - as a consequence - permits a better understanding of the pictures than of their creator. After all, the author and his movies reveal themselves like a robust and bushy tree whose branches are nourished by the same wisdom that gives life to the trunk. This vitalizing blood invades the shots that nourish the celluloid which - in turn - opens the door to a poetic universe in full infuriation, seduced by literary myths, enthusiastic about conversing with the intelligent spirits, always reflexive and ambiguous in its ceaseless fabulation.

The challenge consisted in approaching an extraordinary cineaste - one that likes to coquette and sometimes even to commit adultery with literature (or is it maybe the other way around?); who unashamedly flirts in the company of Ditirambo and Rocabruno, Lord Byron and Mary Shelley, Frankenstein and Don Juan. The pursuit of this rebellious and untamable dinosaur - almost a species threatened by extinction - was an impossible undertaking, predictably full of obstacles and danger. Yet, an attempt was so worth it that no hake - deep frozen or not - could ever substitute the true pleasure to which we are invited by the hunting trophies exhibited here in the showcases of the following pages."

Excerpt of the article by Carlos F. Heredero for the book "The dinosaur and the hakes".