
España. 2003. Color. 10 min. Ficción. 35mm.
  • Film Director: Daniel Sánchez Arévalo.
  • Scriptwriter: Daniel Sánchez Arévalo.
  • Cast: Antonio de la Torre; Carmen Arévalo; Héctor Colomé.
  • Cinematography: Ernesto Santos.
  • Art director: Daniel Sánchez Arévalo.
  • Sound: David Rodríguez Montero; María Mozos.
  • Animation: Eloy Gazol; Pablo Santamaría.
  • Producer: Pepe Jordana; Santiago Oliver.

Pedro Pérez, 34 years old, electronic technician, comes to tell us something. He sits nervously on the chair. It seems to be more comfortable that actually it is. He looks around, but doesn't see anything due to the spotlights. He wonders why he agreed to do all this. But it's too late.

Daniel Sánchez Arévalo

Graduated in Economics Sciences. Professional screenwriter since 1993, he works for different TV series. After being awarded with a Fulbright grant, he took a Master's Degree of Cinema at the Columbia University (New York), where he began his career as a director. He receives innumerable awards for his shorts as well as for his first feature film 'Dark Blue Almost Black'. In 2007 he came back with the short film 'Traumalogía' and afterwards he realizes his features film 'Gordos' (2009), 'Primos' (2010), 'La gran Familia Española' (2013) and 'Diecisiete' (2019).

''Diecisiete'' (2019) / ''Brigi'' (2018) / ''Cheimaphobia'' (2017) / ''Un beso de película'' (2017) / ''Queimafobia'' (2016) / ''En tu cabeza'' (2016) / ''La gran familia española'' (2013) / ''Primos'' (2011) / ''(Uno de los) Primos'' (2010) / ''Gordos'' (2009) / ''Pene'' (2007) / ''Traumalogía'' (2007) / ''Azuloscurocasinegro'' (2006) / ''La Culpa del alpinista (2004)'' / ''Física II'' (2004) / ''Profilaxis'' (2003) / ''Exprés'' (2003) / ''¡Gol!'' (2002)


Mejor Director Novel por ''Azuloscurocasinegro'', Premios Goya (España) 2007 / Premio Especial del Jurado al Mejor Cortometraje por ''Traumalogía'' (2007) y Biznaga de Plata al Mejor Guion y Premio Especial del Jurado por ''Azuloscurocasinegro'' (2006), Festival de Málaga (España) / Premio Label Europa Cinemas por ''Azuloscurocasinegro'', Festival de Venecia (Italia) 2006