The puncture of a wheel surprises the protagonist traveling as a passenger in a car. Stopped at the edge of the road while watching the driver change the tire, she wonders if that path is heading in the right direction.
Bachelor of Fine Arts, she has worked for more than 15 years as an animator and background artist for companies such as Imira Entertainment or Anima Kitchent. She has designed feature film posters and has been audiovisual director of the musical pop band Vetusta Morla, directing and performing visual arts.
''Yo'' (2020) / ''El lugar adecuado'' (2015)
Nominada a Mejor Cartel por ''El apóstata'', Premios Feroz (España) 2016 / Biznaga de Plata al Mejor Cortometraje por ''Yo'', Festival de Málaga (España) 2021 / Premio Madrid en Corto por ''Yo'', Semana del Cortometraje de la Comunidad de Madrid (España) 2020 / Primer Premio ''Ciudad de Alcalá'' por ''Yo'', ALCINE - Festival de Cine de Alcalá de Henares/Comunidad de Madrid (España) 2020 / Mejor Animación por ''Yo'', CORTADA - Festival de Cortometrajes de Vitoria-Gasteiz (España) 2020