A la mode

Francia. 2020. Color. 9 min. Animación. Vídeo.
  • Film Director: Jean Lecointre.
  • Scriptwriter: Jean Lecointre.
  • Cast: Pierre Hiessler; Francois Morel; Florence Muller.
  • Editing: Laurent Blot.
  • Music: Valentin Hadjadj.
  • Sound: Dorine Le Lay.
  • Animation: Rémi Soyez; Martin Uyttebroeck; Hélène Younous.
  • Producer: Laurence Méoc; Nicolas Schmerkin.

In a kingdom tormented by fashion crazes, a queen and her court must always keep up with the new trend. If not, an abominable monster will consume them: the Ridicule.

Jean Lecointre

Jean Lecointre graduated from the Paris École Supérieure des Arts graphiques. In 2003, he switched to animation with 'Turkish Delights', tried his hand at youth publishing with 'Les dents du loup' (2002), 'Household Pets' (2007) and 'A la mode' (2010). 


"Les Animaux Domestiques" (2017)