The landing

España. 2016. Color. 4 min. Ficción. Vídeo.
  • Film Director: David Pantaleón.
  • Scriptwriter: David Pantaleón.
  • Cast: Aly Butler; Javier de León; Eladio Pérez.
  • Cinematography: Cris Noda.
  • Editing: José Alayón; David Pantaleón.
  • Art director: Raquel Paz.
  • Music: Eladio Pérez.
  • Sound: Daniel Mendoza.
  • Producer: David Pantaleón.

On 21 st May 1740 the pirate Joseph Stocker beleaguered the city of Santa Cruz de La Palma. In an act of generosity, Stoker visits the Provincial Father Martín de Ponte to mediate with the local government.

David Pantaleón

David Pantaleon, BA in Drama School, began in 2016 his career as film director. With his works he has attended festivals like Oberhausen, Vila do Conde, Rio de Janeiro o L'Alternativa.

"El polinizador" (2016) / "El desembarco" (2016)  / "Fiesta de pijamas" (2015) / "Tres corderos" (2015) / "La pasión de Judas" (2014) / "A lo oscuro más seguro" (2013) / "Fronteras de Zalamea" (2012) /  "Fondo o forma" (2011)