'Movies 4 Teens', short films for respect and equality

'Movies 4 Teens', short films for respect and equality
Imbuing young people with values such as tolerance, equality and respect is one of the most important jobs of parents and teachers. Cinema is one of the best resources for meeting this objective. It is capable of moving, arousing emotions and thoughts, and making a connection with a young audience.

ALCINE37's goal is to take cinema into the classroom and use it to transmit values in defence of human rights. 'Changes', 'El prestidigitador', 'Desconocidos', 'Contracuerpo', 'Choque', 'El viaje de Said' and 'Nasija' are all in the 'Movies 4 Teens' section. The seven short films participated in the National Competition at ALCINE last year. It is not the only point connecting them. They share the aim of transmitting a message of tolerance, living together, civic-mindedness and multiculturalism.

The selection is ideal for screenings to classes of secondary school or high school age. Colleges and schools are provided with a DVD containing the seven short films, and a pedagogic guide as a teaching aid.

'Movies 4 Teens' also aims to provide audiovisual resources to an education system that has traditionally ignored them. Cinema, music, television and new technologies are extremely attractive elements for kids and young people but are very thin on the ground in the education system. ALCINE37 will use this section to break down barriers and foster the shared reflection of students and teachers.
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