'Not intended for grown-ups', a section bridging the generation gap

'Not intended for grown-ups', a section bridging the generation gap
It is easy to find productions made especially for a young audience. There are always some in the listings, especially in holiday periods. It is however more complicated to find films made to connect with an elderly audience, which maybe fell in love with the movies several decades earlier but has let slip the habit of regular trips to the cinema. ALCINE's goal is to overcome this falling out with its 'Not intended for grown-ups' section. A selection of short films of special interest to a more elderly audience often ignored by the industry.

This initiative of the Alcalá de Henares/Comunidad de Madrid Film Festival has been undertaken to demonstrate that every collective has its cinema. Films are for everybody to enjoy, just leave your problems in the street, make yourself comfortable and soak up all the wealth the seventh art has to offer.

Everyone is capable of smiling, being moved, doubting, reflecting, identifying with characters, of dreaming.. It is just a question of pulling the right strings. Enjoying a film is not a pleasure exclusive to certain segments of the population; it is a universally enriching activity.
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