Noche en Blanco with Vigalondo

Noche en Blanco with Vigalondo

On the 2nd of April, Alcalá de Henares is going to hold its first Noche en Blanco. One of numerous activities scheduled is the visit of Nacho Vigalondo, one of our most promising and unclassifiable filmmakers. He is due at the Theatre Café El sueño de Lola, the former Cisneros multiplex, at 20:30. The director of Los Cronocrímenes is going to exhibit his best short films and other pieces by different directors, and will lead a discussion with those in attendance. 

Nacho Vigalondo is not a film director in the normal sense of the word; rather, this is just one side of his multiple talents. Restless and multifaceted, Vigalondo acts, writes, sings and dances. He is a ‘man of his time’ and his natural habitat is the Web. His twitter account has a huge following (in excess of 60,000) and they are no strangers to controversy. Blogs, twitter and facebook bear witness to and are loudhailers for the incontinent nature of his myriad ideas, remarks and philosophies.

Now 34 years old, he was nominated for an Oscar for 7:35 de la mañana in 2004, a short he wrote, directed, starred in and wrote the music for. Choqueor the Cógido 7 trilogy shows his special viewpoint as regards understanding our times and cinema. In 2008 he presented his first feature film, Los Cronocrímenes, with great international success.

Vigalondo in person in the Noche en Blanco will be here to explain the keys to understanding his work and his particular outlook on the short films of others.


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