ShortLatino is coming...

ShortLatino is coming...
The fifth ShortLatino has organized an open debate on some red-hot topics concerning short films, in Spain and internationally. In addition to constituting a window onto short films in Spanish and Portuguese (viewing booths provide accredited professionals with the possibility of viewing and purchasing short films), this year we have decided to take a good look at some specific areas of interest for short film which are often not discussed enough.
Everything kicks off next Friday the 8th, with the presentation of the Short Film Industry Association (AIC). The main objective of this association is to give a voice to companies and individuals working professionally on the production and distribution of short films, in order to defend the interests of this sector in public bodies and on the international markets. Its role as an intermediary between its members and the aforementioned bodies is likely to be vital to short film in the future.
On Saturday morning we will be holding the first big meeting on the atomization of short film and ways of fighting against this phenomenon. As with other meetings, it will be multidisciplinary in nature and open to any professional working in the sector. Representatives from all the organizations involved from public administrations, to international reps from short film agencies, will be present, as will the heads of the latest associations and collective set up in the sector.
The second meeting will tackle the topic of online platforms for short films. Several of these have appeared over the last few months, turning Spain into the most active country in the world for this kind of initiative. We can also boast large numbers of distributors. The possibilities and viability of these projects for the future will be up for debate, with the participation of all the web platforms and initiatives involved.
Two more initiatives will complete the packed programme of ShortLatino, to be held on the 9th and 10th of November in Santa María la Rica. The first, Deconstructing Shorts, will look at three short films about to be finished, which will be analyzed by experts on short film commercialization and distribution, who will then present these projects with ideas as to how to make their work more competitive internationally. Lastly, meetings will be facilitated between producers, distributors and purchasers, to take advantage of the presence of important professionals working in the sector.

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