No Budget

No Budget

Faithful to its mutant nature, No Budget is including new activities this year. Always conscious of its basic objective to provide the keys to making films with limited or inexistent budgets, this time round the spotlight is on the script. Rubén Ontiveros, the creator of the successful series, Qué vida más triste, is here to guide us through two intensive sessions set up as a workshop, focussed on how to write, shoot and produce a low-budget comedy. The workshop is free but you must register in advance, and there are a limited number of places.

And midweek, two talks from two true experts in low-budget cinema, to learn the tricks of the trade as to how to get your projects of the ground without the hindrance of money. Juan Cavestany first (author of EL señor, among others) and then Carlo Padial, will explain how to make films with hardly any resources. And to bring the workshops to an end, a discussion between Miguel Noguera, Dídac Alcaraz, Pablo Hernando, Carlo Padial, Xavi Tolosa and Canódromo abandonado will go into how to make features films, leaving aside the shorts, ‘for next to nothing’. They are familiar with tackling a wide range of genres and united by the unprejudiced use of Internet as their main means of distribution. Further information...

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