
Francia. 2022. Color. 12 min. Animación. .
  • Film Director: Raphaelle Stolz.
  • Scriptwriter: Augusto Zanovello; Raphaelle Stolz.
  • Editing: Nazim Meslen.
  • Sound: Nadège Feyrit.
  • Animation: Raphaelle Stolz.
  • Producer: Nicolas Burlet.
  • Co-production: Suiza

In the 1930s, a remote village in South America wants to inaugurate its cemetery. The problem is that nobody dies in the village. To remedy the problem, the mayor publishes an advertisement throughout the region: "Wanted: corpse to inaugurate the Miracasas cemetery". Recently murdered, Ernesto is the lucky one and participates in his carnival funeral despite himself. The gathered villagers celebrate the event passionately, so intrigued by the idea of death that they put life aside.

Raphaelle Stolz

2011, she graduated in Illustration and Painting from the École Emile Cohl in Lyon. In 2014 she Graduated from the École des Gobelins in Animation. As a multidisciplinary artist, she works as a director of animated shorts and advertisements, as well as a set designer. She is also an animator and a painter.